This drill-down sunburst chart shows the breakdown of students that transferred to the University of Maryland College Park in fiscal 2020. The first layer shows the type of sending institution: Maryland Community Colleges; other University System of Maryland institutions; Maryland private institutions, including institutions that belong to the Maryland Univerity and College Association (MICUA); and out-of-state institutions. The second layer shows the institutions. However, since the original data source only shows the top institutions in a particular category, the names of not all out-of-state institutions are captured.

This chart is based on an Amcharts demo for a drill-down sunburst chart. This particular data only had two levels, but additional levels can be added if you have hierarchical data with multiple levels. As with several other charts I have tried making with Amcharts, this chart did not work in their add-in for WordPress. I however was able to add my data using Notepad. Then I saved the document as an HTML file by changing the file extension to .HTML. Then I uploaded the file to the media library for my website. Finally, I used some HTML code on this page to creat a frame and pull up the chart. I explained that process and shared the code I used in a previous post about my experiences making charts and maps with amcharts.

The chart shows that 63.6% of transfer students came from Maryland community colleges. Half (50.3%) of those students from Maryland community colleges came from Montgomery College, which is located in Montgomery County not far from UMCP. Anne Arundel Community College, Prince George’s Community College, and Howard Community College were also the source of a large number of transfer students. The second-largest source of transfer students is out-of-state institutions. For that category none of the sending schools are dominant. The biggest category is “other”.

UMCP Transfer Students in Fiscal 2020 Drill Down Sunburst Charth

Source: University System of Maryland, IRIS

This map reflects the total outbreak-associated cases in schools on September 22, 2021. This is an update of the September 15, 2021 map.

This is the September 21, 2021, update of a previous map.

This is an update of a previous post.

This is an update of a previous map.

The Anne Arundel County Public School System updated its COVID data dashboard today. It reflects cases where contract tracing has been completed and data fully entered as of noon on September 20, 2021. IT does not include cases in which tracing, documentation, or determination are still in progress. The data dashboard was due to be updated on Wednesday, September 22, 201, but they decided to update it early.

According to the data dashboard, 1,092 students and 21 staff are currently quarantine. There are 170 students and 14 staff with active cases. The cases are as distributed as follows: 9 student cases at charter/contract schools; 76 student cases at elementary schools; 33 cases at middle schools; 51 cases at high schools; and 1 case at a specialty center.

Chorpleth map of Act COVID-19 cases in Anne Arundel County PUblic SChools

The map shows the active COVID-19 case in Anne Arundel County Public Schools by feeder system as of noon on September 20, 2021. The map includes student and staff active cases. According to the map the feeder system with the most active case, 24 is the North County High School feeder system: 3 high school cases; 4 middle school cases; and 15 elementary school cases. The feeder system with the least active cases is the South River High School feeder system: 1 high school case and 4 elementary school cases. This is an update of a previous map.

I decided to see if I could make the Anne Arundel County Public School COVID-19 table I published yesterday a more usable table by eliminating schools with no active cases. I think it is prettier, but it might be less useful for people searching for their particular school.

Test of feeder system table.

I used the feeder systems as reported by the Anne Arundel County Public Schools in the Educational Facilities Master Plan to build this map of cases by feeder system. The map only reflects schools that are part of a location-based feeder system in Anne Arundel County Public Schools. Not all schools had completed contract tracing for the reporting period; thus, there may be additional cases not captured in this data set. This is a proof of concept map. In the future, I would like to add detailed information about all schools in that cluster to the map, but that will take additional time.

Please see the data notes from the elementary cases post.