This is a test of a waterfall chart with negative numbers. This is just a test to see if I can recreate a waterfall chart I saw using Amcharts. I have linked the document with the original waterfall chart in the source below, the chart is on page 16 of the document. Initially had trouble with showing the final two bars because they went into negative numbers, but I was able to play around with the formatting to get it to display properly. As I note I do not have access to the underlying data, I used the displayed figures to produce the chart below. To completely recreate the chart I need to still figure out how to format the Y axis numbers. I need to add a “$” sign and truncate the numbers. I will research this and update once I figure it out.

ARP: American Rescue Plan

COLA: cost-of-living adjustment

IT: information technology

Source: Department of Legislative Services

AMCHARTS Waterfall Chart

Since I am having continued difficultly with getting the diverging bar chart and the waffle chart to render properly I decided to try the waterfall chart even though I was not sure what type of data I would put in it. Usually, I am driven by my need to see data visualized. But today I am driven by understanding the underpinnings of Amcharts better so I can figure out why I can not get my charts to render. At first, the waterfall chart would not display properly, but trying again fresh I got it to work. I am uncertain what I did differently.

The only data I could think to try to add to the waterfall chart was college costs with scholarship aid to result in a total estimated annual cost. The numbers I chose are loosely based on the University of Maryland, College Park campus net cost calculator, but the numbers are only roughly what is in the estimator. I am more interested in getting the chart to operate properly and posting it so I can see how it behaves when displayed on a phone. Unlike a traditional waterfall chart, the costs are “bad” at least from the student’s perspective and the scholarships are good so I was not sure what colors to use.

There are still a few variables I do not understand that are used to build this chart. I will have to read more into the documentation. Trying different charts and reading the documentation helps me better understand the workings of the program.

In the future, I think I could refine this chart with better data to illustrate the cost of college for different groups of students. It would be good to show that even with free tuition there are significant costs to attend college, in particular room and board.

Note: These numbers are made up for display purposes.